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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

DECC Arena News Tribune 11/14

Today's News Tribune mentions the DECC being something that needs to be a top priority on the states lists this winter.

FROM the article (whole article can be found by clicking blog entry title)
In May, lawmakers failed to find money for the DECC expansion in the waning moments of the 2006 session.

Since then, legislators have said the project would be a top priority. And Gov. Tim Pawlenty said the expansion was “95 percent” sure, although he said that months before his narrow re-election win. In the meantime,construction costs for the project have gone up about $5 million.

University of Minnesota Duluth officials have said they need a new hockey arena in order to stay competitive in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association. The expansion project calls for a 6,630-seat arena and a 700-car parking ramp.

The project would have to come in the form of an emergency borrowing bill, as lawmakers don’t normally draw up a major project list until 2008. The state money would be matched by an increase in the city food and beverage tax, which Duluth voters OK’d but legislators would also need to approve.

Rep. Mike Jaros, DFL-Duluth, said the DECC remains a high priority. But the deal needs Pawlenty’s help, he said.

Former Senate majority leader Dean Johnson of Willmar liked the project, but he was defeated last week. Walli’s job this session will be to get the project on the desk of Sen. Larry Pogemiller, DFL-Minneapolis, the new majority leader. Pogemiller is “very familiar with our projects,” Walli told councilors Monday afternoon.

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